Q: What are the mode of payment available?
We accept PayNow, Direct Bank Transfer, Credit/Debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Shop Pay

Q: How long will it takes to receive my order?
A: Once we have process your order, you will receive your order within 1-3 working days. Our team will contact you prior to the delivery.

Q: How much is the delivery fee?
A: Orders above $80 will be entitled to free delivery, otherwise, a flat fee of $10 will be charged for orders below $80.

Q: What are the delivery timings?
A: From Monday - Saturday, 1pm – 6pm. No delivery on Sunday and public holidays

Q: Can I amend my delivery address after I have placed my order?
A: Please email to orders@dodo-seafood-treats.com for the changes

Q: What if there is no one at home to receive my order? Can you leave it outside my house?
A: As our products are mostly temperature sensitive and also due to food safety reasons, we do not recommend leaving them at room temperature for long or unattended. If you prefer for contactless delivery, please do let us know. For re-delivery at another timing, please kindly contact us, a re-delivery fee of $5 will be imposed.

Q: What if my product is damaged or defrosted upon receiving it?
A: Please contact us immediately or within 6 hours upon receiving. We would need you to take a photo of it and send to us. 

Q: What are the expiry of the products?
A: Generally, at least 30 days and above for chilled vacuum packs and at least 6 months and above for frozen products